What Is a Citizen?
A citizen is a person who lives in a particular country and is bound by its laws. A citizen is also someone who has a sense of loyalty and belonging to a nation. Citizenship is also sometimes described in terms … Continued
A citizen is a person who lives in a particular country and is bound by its laws. A citizen is also someone who has a sense of loyalty and belonging to a nation. Citizenship is also sometimes described in terms … Continued
Human rights are fundamental freedoms and liberties that all people – wherever they live, whatever their circumstances – deserve and must be guaranteed. They are inalienable, universal and interdependent – no single right can be enjoyed without all others being … Continued
Immigration has long been a key component of the United States’ economy, providing labor and capital and helping to fuel its growth. But it also raises thorny questions and poses complicated political quandaries. Throughout history, immigrants have brought with them … Continued
Deportation is the removal or expulsion of a person from a country, especially by order of a government. Deportation can happen to people who are not citizens, and it can also occur to people who have been legally living in … Continued
A civilian is a person who is not a member of the military or other law enforcement agency. Civilians typically are not involved in military operations or military court cases, but they can be a key part of the legal … Continued
A citizen is a person who is granted full rights and responsibilities by a nation or political community. Citizenship typically comes with a duty to pay taxes, serve in the military and to obey the laws of the country to … Continued
Human rights are things that everybody deserves to be able to get by virtue of being a person. Generally, they’re a person’s basic entitlements to food, shelter and security in their daily lives. Unlike privileges, which can be taken away … Continued
The vast majority of immigrants surveyed say they came to the United States for economic opportunities, for better educational and job prospects for their children, or to improve their own living standards. Smaller but still sizeable shares cited other reasons … Continued
Deportation is the removal, or expulsion, by an executive agency of a person who is not a citizen of a country. The word comes from a Latin phrase that means “to throw away.” It was sometimes used to mean exile, … Continued
When you transition out of military life, it can be a big shift to civilian life. From finding a new job to making new friends, it’s important to be patient during this time. It’s also important to understand what your … Continued
Citizenship is a status of freedom with rights and responsibilities that differ from those enjoyed by noncitizens. Usually, citizenship is conferred on the basis of jus soli (birth within a territory), jus sanguinis (relationship to a citizen parent) or jus … Continued
The idea behind human rights is that every person, regardless of their location or circumstances in life, deserves dignity. It’s a concept that allows people to speak up when they feel they are being treated unfairly or when they see … Continued
About 3.4 percent of the world’s population—or 258 million people—are international migrants. The share of immigrants has been relatively stable over the past couple decades, though immigration rates have risen in many countries, most dramatically in Mexico and India. The … Continued
Deportation is the expulsion by executive agency of a noncitizen whose presence in a country is deemed unlawful or detrimental. It may be accompanied by other punishments, including fines or imprisonment. People in the United States who are ordered to … Continued
A civilian is a person who is not a member of any military force. This person may have a job in the private sector or may be a student, doctor, or lawyer. Civilians may also work in government or volunteer … Continued
A citizen is a person who has the rights and responsibilities of a member of a nation or political community. Typically, citizenship is granted by the people of a nation through a written constitution and laws that follow it. Citizenship … Continued
Human rights are not just a set of principles – they are an essential part of our moral and legal heritage. They are supported by almost every culture and civilised government on earth, as well as every major religion. They … Continued
People from around the world emigrate to the United States in search of a better life for themselves and their families. They contribute to our country’s culture and economy, often filling jobs that others do not want, such as working … Continued
Deportation is the expulsion by executive agency of a foreign national from a country whose presence in that country is deemed unlawful or detrimental. It has had a variety of historical meanings including exile, banishment, and transportation of criminals to … Continued
A civilian is someone who is not in the military or otherwise taking part in hostilities. One ceases to be a civilian by joining the military, in which case they are subject to the laws of war, or by taking … Continued
A citizen is a person who is a legal member of a particular country or state, having the rights and obligations that come with it. In modern times, citizenship usually means the right to vote and to hold public office, … Continued
The concept of human rights empowers people to challenge abuse and corruption in society, whether it’s by the government or in their workplace. It says that everyone, regardless of who they are or what they do, deserves dignity and respect … Continued