What is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who is not a member of the military. A civilian can be a person who works in the government, an ordinary citizen or someone who is not affiliated with any organization. Civilians have different rights … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who is a member of a political community and is recognized as having rights and responsibilities in this community. Citizenship is usually based on birth or the nationality of one’s parents, and is often associated … Continued

The Importance of Human Rights

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Human rights are a set of rules that all humans must follow. These rules are meant to protect people from those who would abuse their power and give them a way to get along with each other. Most people know … Continued

Challenges Faced by Immigrants

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Immigration is the international movement of people into a country other than their country of origin or usual residence, so that the new country becomes their country of permanent residence. It can be either voluntary or involuntary, and may be … Continued

The Path to Deportation

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Deportation, or removal, is the government’s process for removing someone from the United States. This can happen when a person is found to be in the country illegally or has committed serious crimes. There are several different ways that a … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is a term that describes the relationship between an individual and the state. It is a complex concept that has been debated for centuries. The main idea is that a citizen has rights and responsibilities in society. Citizenship has … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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Human rights are moral and legal rights that people are entitled to in the course of their lives. They are indivisible, interdependent and inalienable. People cannot lose their human rights, but in certain circumstances they may be suspended or restricted. … Continued

Immigrants – The Backbone of Our Economy

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Immigrants make up a significant and growing share of the United States’ population. They contribute to their communities and the country’s culture and economy as workers, business owners, taxpayers, and neighbors. They are disproportionately employed in agricultural, construction, and service … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the process of sending a non-citizen back to their country of origin. This is done in order to enforce laws and policies that are important to the country. Deportation is a serious step that can impact a person’s … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person not involved in military or police activities. The term is also used to refer to an area or population that is not influenced by military actions or controlled by a government. Civilians are important for … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is the legal status of a person conferring rights and obligations on them in relation to a state. It can be conferred at birth or acquired through naturalisation (a process of becoming a citizen). In wealthy liberal democratic states … Continued

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Human rights are ideas and values that are central to a fair society. They are a means of guaranteeing fair treatment, freedom and security to all people – and are universal in their scope. The concept of human rights has … Continued

How to Define Immigrants

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The term “immigrant” is used to describe people who move from their country of birth to another to live there. It is important to define this group clearly, as they are an integral part of societies and economies around the … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation, also known as removal proceedings or administrative deportation, is the formal process by which an individual is sent back to their home country after a violating certain immigration laws. It is a civil process, not a criminal one and … Continued

Becoming a Citizen

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A citizen is a person who owes allegiance to a political community and is entitled to its protection. The term is synonymous with subject and national but citizen is preferred for the sense of belonging to a community that shares … Continued

The Importance of Promoting Human Rights

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A human right is a fundamental freedom that everyone is born with. They are civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. These rights cannot be taken away or denied by anyone. These rights are universal and inalienable. They are also … Continued

Pew Research Center Report on Immigrants

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Immigrants are an essential part of the United States’ economy, working in a wide range of occupations and making extensive contributions to their communities. Their work bolsters the nation’s agricultural and fishing industries, as well as its computer and math … Continued

Are You Facing Deportation?

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If you’re facing deportation, working with a skilled and caring immigration attorney is your best option. Deportation (also known as removal proceedings) is a process overseen by an immigration judge that can – and often does – result in your … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A person who is not a member of the military or a combatant, or who does not participate in hostilities. Civilians are entitled to special protection from the dangers of military operations, and certain categories of civilians may be given … Continued