What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who holds the legal status of citizenship in a nation or state. Citizenship is generally defined as a relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance, and which grants the … Continued

The Concept of Human Rights

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Historically the term human rights has been used to describe an array of values or capabilities thought to enhance human autonomy and protect human interests. The values and capabilities in question can range from basic needs such as food, shelter … Continued

Immigrants and the United States

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Immigration has long been an important part of the United States’ character and economy, but it is also a highly emotive issue. Its complexity requires balancing often-competing goals, and the nation’s approach to controlling immigration has evolved over time. In … Continued

What Is Deportation?

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Deportation is the forced removal of a person from their current country, often to their place of origin. Deportation can happen if an immigrant is found to be in the United States without lawful status, has committed a serious crime, … Continued

What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who has the rights and obligations of a society. A citizen can vote, hold government office, and collect unemployment benefits. Citizenship is a very important thing because it creates a sense of belonging and loyalty … Continued

Immigrants in the United States

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Immigration is the international movement of people into a new country to live permanently. The United States has a long history of welcoming migrants, who have helped shape the nation demographically, economically, culturally, and socially over the centuries during four … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the involuntary removal from a country of someone who has been found to be present in that country without legal permission. It can have significant consequences for a person who is deported and may affect future immigration options … Continued

The Concept of Civilian

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A civilian is a person who is not on active duty with a military, naval, or police force. Civilians may also be referred to as non-military, non-combatants, or peacemakers. Civilian status is important because it provides protection to civilians in … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who is a legal member of a country owing allegiance to that country’s government and entitled to its protection. Citizenship can be acquired through birth, naturalization, or descent from parents who were citizens. Citizenship is … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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Human rights are based on dignity, equality and mutual respect – regardless of one’s nationality, religion or beliefs. They were first codified in 1948 in a landmark document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which marked a major step … Continued

The Importance of Immigrants

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Every day, people all over the world make one of the most difficult decisions of their lives: to leave home in search of a better life. This is called migration, and it’s the reason why immigrants are such a vital … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the process by which the federal government sends a non-citizen back to his or her home country. It’s a common occurrence for immigrants who are caught without proper documentation or who violate the terms of their visa or … Continued

What is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person not affiliated with the military or police. They are citizens of a particular city, state or nation with full privileges. The term civilian is also used to describe people not involved in a particular conflict, … Continued

The Concept of Citizenship

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Citizenship is a legal status conferring rights and responsibilities in a given state or political community. This can be obtained through birth, the nationality of one or both parents, or by a process known as naturalisation. It generally entails acceptance … Continued

The Importance of Human Rights

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Human rights are fundamental freedoms that every person is born with, regardless of where they live or what their economic status is. These include the right to a standard of living that allows them to fulfill their potential and enjoy … Continued

The Importance of Immigrants

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The term “immigrant” is at the center of much political, public and policy discussion in countries around the world. The word refers to people who move to a country other than their own to reside there permanently or for a … Continued

The Deportation Process Under Trump’s Administration

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Deportation is the process of sending someone back to their home country, often because they have violated specific laws or committed certain criminal acts. Deportation proceedings are handled by the Department of Homeland Security and its law enforcement divisions, including … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is someone who is not a member of the military. They may be a citizen of the country where they live or they may have moved there from another part of the world. Civilians typically don’t serve in … Continued